Friday, 27 June 2014

An 'Adhoc' exhibition - Yatra Arts Foundation, Auroville 2013

We called the event 'Adhoc' because it was literally created out of the blue.

Osiva coaxed me into participation, despite my pleas of having no paintings to exhibit. "No problem, we can make", he calmly told me, "You only need 10 or 15". 10 or 15! Well that's easier said than done, I thought, especially as I'd never before painted to order ^^

Lo and behold, 10 days later I did indeed have 10 A4 sized watercolours ready to go...on the other hand Osiva had yet to produce his promised new paintings, lol. Not to worry though because they miraculously appeared the next morning, still wet, as we framed my efforts and began to set up the gallery. Only in India, lol.

Having limited resources tends to bring out the most creative in me, as does being under pressure...probably why I don't generally get much done unless someone's got a red hot poker pointed at my nether regions. So thanks to Osiva's insistence and persistence and encouragement I offered up the following:

A big thanks to all at Yatra, as usual, is offered with sincerity and a copy of their blog post marking the event. The kids really put on a wonderful show - the dancing and singing, acting and smiles!

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“Adhoc” art exhibition showcases local and international painting talents at the Yatra Arts Foundation


On Saturday, 21 December 2013, the Yatra Arts Foundation hosted the opening reception for Adhoc, an art exhibition featuring the paintings of Osiva, Yatra’s painting instructor from Kuilapalayam, and Louise Robinson, a long-time Yatra supporter visiting from France. Coordinated and supported by Yatra staff, Adhoc, defined as “something formed for special and immediate purpose without previous planning,” earned its name from the spontaneous decision by the two artists to create the exhibition mere days before opening.


Osiva’s Impressionist-style paintings took their inspiration from a variety of local and foreign landscapes, village temples, Indian women washing in a river or standing with clay vessels, and Diyana. Exploring color and shape in a modern style, Louise used watercolors, collected rainwater, and pen to experiment with the technique of applying a watercolor wash and pulling out imagery inspired by the wash with pen.

On the night of the reception, Yatra director E. Srinivassan introduced the artists to the audience and called attention to their excellent artwork. After the introductions, Yatra’s students presented a veena performance by S. Priyadharshini, Bharatanatyam, and folk dance, including a popular gypsy dance. Many visitors from Auroville, Kuilapalayam and Pondicherry, parents, children and well-wishers came to the opening day of the exhibition and were inspired by the talents of artists Osiva and Louise.

For more information on the exhibition or pricing list, please contact Yatra’s office at 04132623071.


Love & Light to All
Louise (aka Mermie)

Ps. I'm just underneath the Yatra Arts sign at the back, the little white head peeping out...most of the kids are now taller than me, lol :D

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