Sunday, 30 November 2014

Project Gratitude Updates 10. 11 & 12

I decide to lump the updates together seeing as they were relatively small. Lots of other things to write about at the moment, just not got the time for it all. It's very difficult to balance life with the things you love, especially when life is filled with so many things you love...feeling blessed that I have so many wonderful and enriching things to do :)

So what's been going on chez nous the last week or so?...Let's have look

Well to start off I had a little emergency situation! After not feeling well on and off for a few months (migraines, arythmia, moodiness and general weakness and fatigue which I put down to possible hormonal changes) I discovered the laptop is emitting EMF of 0.3 vm2 right in the centre of the keyboard, and that's with everything deactivated -wifi/bluetooth/mains power. This is a real problem because I recently managed to get some work and need to use a safe computer. This means that the priority for funds (in order to be able to create funds) is to buy a new PC. That's about 300 Euros for a basic wifi-free desktop. Fortunately a gentle soul took pity on my plea for help and donated 500 Euros, thank you Roger Hard!

JC and Denis spent the week dismantling an old barn in a neighbouring village. The aged owners said if we dismantle we can have all the materials...that means wooden beams and lots of stones (plus some free firewood) - restore, reuse, recycle and repair!

There was an exceptionally warm day the other day, before it plummeted again, and the council had been trimming the hedges, so a great windfall for me! The hawthorn berries I couldn't reach before, even with the end of the rake, were all around so I went collecting branches.

A perfect spot in the sun

Berry, berry nice!

As well as a huge bowl of hawthorn berrries for jam and a super rice sauce, there's lots of kindling. Got a few jabs though while stripping the branches and breaking them up for firewood, lol.

Feeling very blessed to be living in the countryside where neighbours leave fresh eggs on your gate post and where there is more of a sense of community than in the city...even though there are very few people around.

After the short spell of sunshine came rain, and lots of it, which is great because it's given us a chance to see where all the water flows, and it does...flow.

All the swales that JC and Denis dug last week around the new raised beds filled up nicely and so did a few places we weren't expecting, lol. You fix one place and then have to fix another - we like to call it the constructivism approach.
Anyway, it was a good time to get more planning done and rearrange the tool shed.

The guys have really done an excellent job with the shelves, all built out of the recycled wood from the old barn they demolished...hoping that these new carpentry skills will be put to use in the kitchen soon as the camping table isn't the sturdiest of worktops and I have no drawers! Come to think of it I don't have a real worktop either...maybe this isn't the kitchen, lol.

Keep the well wishes coming and donations too. They all get put to good use - one for motivation and the other for really necessary stuff.

Love & light
Louise (aka Mermie)

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Project Gratitude - update #9

So this was how I started off today, 3 hours and 3 coffees ago...


Last month was really challenging financially. Fortunately the first donations have now been received in the bank and so we were able to go and stock up on cement and even buy a couple of tins of paint for inside.

I challenged myself to make a half litre of brick red cover what I needed...and it did, with a little left over for another place. When it says on the tin 'Do not dilute' what they mean is : there's just less than enough in this tin to cover an average size wall...which means you need two tins. However, having done rather a lot of decorating on a budget over the years I've come to understand that you can dilute the paint without losing the depth of colour and stretching it out just that bit further :) So, having already picked up a couple of mis-priced 10 litre pots of white paint for 7 Euro's each, plus the new paint at 40 Euros for 2 colours, I'll have managed to decorate an 80m2 space for less than 50 Euros (only half of one white paint used). Very happy! No photos yet as it's not quite done.

In between the drizzle we've had some more sunny but cool days and the grass verges on the lanes were cut by the municipality so I took advantage of some free biomass.

Essential garden tools - wheelbarrow and rake! That's it!
It took a bit of effort to rake it all and transport it by wheelbarrow but it's free so it's worth it.

First make the piles...

...all along the road :)

I decided to earmark the next area for planting for spring and a la permaculture style I did a bit of sheet mulching. We already had lots of cardboard boxes hoarded away for this. However, it's surprising just how much material you need for even a small space, incredible really.

Sheet mulching to prepare the spots for the Cherry tree guild and pumpkin nursery

Needless to say I didn't have enough of either the cardboard or the biomass to finish off and the rain spoiled the collection of any additional mulching material. It's a great start though and anyway we know this is a long term project so one step at a time is ok.

The boys continued with the barn conversion and chicken house (it's become much nicer than a coop, lol) and they used over 70 old tyres to create a raised bed area for planting in the spring, along with swales all around them to capture and retain water underground.

It's coming along nicely and we're managing to get a lot done without having to spend any money. However, if we're to realise the dream of a hermetically sealed roof, solar power, a plumbed bathroom...oh and some chickens...and then our extension to include the cabins for other EMF sensitive folks to stay - we need money!

I had a little VO work last week and some content stuff lined up for this week...but it's really not much. Being EMF sensitive is a real handicap...we can't work in offices or schools, we can't sit in restaurants or coffee shops, public transport (especially trains and planes) is a no-no, we can't attend meetings or seminars or open a shop to sell things unless we can do it in our own safe environment where we can control our surroundings aka keep it EMF Free!

Every euro you donate will be put to good use, we won't waste a single cent...and it will all be received with gratitude. So here it is folks...the link:

Love & light and forever hopeful,
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - update 8#


Even when it's raining there's still lots to be done. Waiting for funds to come in this week so we can buy some wood treatment and paint...a few little creatures have nibbled the wooden beams in the main room over the years so we need to treat them and make them look pretty again.

The boys are bit tougher than me and are still persevering outside. Today they're extending the rain gutter from the back of the house to redirect the catchment close to the new pond area and away from the house walls and foundations.

My essentials - pen, paper and of course a mug of hot coffee!
I took time to start really designing the layout/plan today. First draft finished and ready to send off to my tutor to see how it looks permaculture principle wise.

The 'Plan' - oh wouldn't it be lovely!

Current area of concentration - it would be great if we could get an ariel view afterwards
  Now, even though I did the sketch, which did take quite a long time, I've still got some other element s to complete before I can submit my project. I've got the scribbles down for the zones and elements plans and lots of notes for the actual 'Project Plan' - what I need now is a little inspiration to get my bum firmly in the chair, a little difficult when it's sunny outside and there are lots of other things to do, like trying to raise some money through the fundraising or from pitching for work on Elance, not to mention the seed-saving, harvesting salad daily, baking gluten free daily on the stove-top (no oven), preparing dinner, general house work, laundry, decorating, planting and plant care (including daily chats!), daily replacement of the fat balls for the mirade of bluetits, robins and other lovely birds constantly in the garden, oh and making time to read either the Mother or Satprem daily, and some asanas. Hmmm...Not enough hours in the day, lol! I'm sooooo grateful!!!

Don't forget, you can really help by sharing and caring (aka DONATING :D)

Love & light
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - update 7#


Thankfully we've had a nice few days weather-wise, an unusual 21 degrees on the 1st November :) JC and Dennis have been digging...a lot!

This is just half of what it is now...the rainwater run-off, swale cum duck pond

It works! The rainwater harvesting system part I (it's been expanded this space)

The chicken coop is almost finished now and they've managed to incorporate a rather ingenious rainwater harvesting system which will not only provide a little pond, made out of an old kids sandbox, inside the coop for the chickens to drink and for ducks (if we get them) to have a little dip - but will also drain off into a bigger pond just on the other side of the fence. Hoping to create a nice little micro-climate there.

The pool inside the coop...nice and shallow and good for a drink!

The best bit of all this is that it's only taken the cost of a bag of cement as we had all the other materials in our recycled/reusable store.

Thanks for all the support ^^

...Actually, I added the last sentence with a little sarcasm as, apart from a family member and a few (actually 3!) encouraging comments the only other support we've had has been from the 2 strangers who made donations.

Hardly a share or a like on FB despite having over 150 friends, hardly a share but at least a few likes from posts on LinkedIn groups with a reach of say that our enthusiasm took a hit would be a little of an understatement. Even sharing on EMF awareness group pages generated little or no response. However, saying that, none of the so called 'friends' have ever enquired about the nature of the disability we suffer...even family don't take an interest so...what to do, humans are like that.I'm resigned to the fact that most of all human relationships are superficial. Once you can accept that it makes life a lot easier. I'm so very grateful that JC arrived in my life and that we have the support of each other. Being EMF sensitive is a lonely business...nowadays where there are people there are waves, hence we spend as little time in places where there are people as possible.

We'll make it, of that I'm sure - even if it takes 10 or 20 years (Divine willing that we're around that long, lol).

So here it is 'The Link' - share, share, share and please DONATE! Consider 5 Euros as the price of the coffee you would most probably offer to buy us should we meet.

Love, light and hugs
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - update 6#


The broken part of the roof is finally covered, though we had to make do with the cheaper quality cover as the really good stuff is over 100 Euros. Hmm...12 Euros or 100 Euros let me think ^^ Anyway once the cover was on we had a storm and incredibly high winds so it was put to the's still there so fingers crossed it'll last till next summer when hopefully we'll have raised enough to fix it. Plus the landing and stairs won't get all slippy and wet now either so we can use the first floor a bit more easily and safely.

The cover, which unfortunately already has a small hole in ir!

Not looking forward to deep winter though as the 'open part' is unfortunately above the passage to the bathroom! Eeks...HELP!

So, as I mentioned in a previous update of the updates, there's a hole already appeared at the top of the apex due to all the rubbing from the high winds which batter this side of the house (damn HAARP!). Plus we get a lot of clunking from the bricks holding down the corners. You'd think they'd be heavy enough not to move...but no! We did manage to secure one end using a couple of tyres, though they too tried to wave around, incredible strength nature has.

As always, here's the important link to share, if they can raise $70,000+ for the family of the pilots of the space flight that crashed (even though I'm sure they'll get well compensated by Richard Branson) and if a chap who lost his dog in the Lake District for 3 days can raise $50,000+ - surely we can get enough to cover our roof and plumb in the toilet and shower!!! HELP!!!

Always smiling and always grateful,
Love & light,
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - update 5#


When we first arrived at the house there was this lovely door from the kitchen through to the bathroom. the other side it was just a huge hole which had been knocked out of the foot wide stone walls, with no bracing, no support...just huge stones dangling in mid-air and a weightbearing beam on top supporting the attic floor!

The 'Hole' that folks had been passing through (over the water pipes - now defunct due to too many 'holes' lol) to get to the bathroom...

I mean...would you walk under this knowing it was holding up the floor above - and the roof!

Needless to say we decided it must be secured as top priority as we didn't want a brick falling on our heads when we went for a pee, so JC got to make his first 'wall'

Now you see him...

Now you don't :D
 Unfortunately, there was one thing we forgot to do (I use 'we' though I didn't really have my say in the matter, lol, if you know what I mean ;))...and that was to remove the door and frame. We can still do it, but it might be a bit more tricky now the wall's behind it. I may just make a feature out of it.

A lot more walls have materialised since 'The Hole' was filled. I think JC's found his new vocation; from 'IT professional' to "Bob the Builder'. Can he fix it? Yes he can! :D,

Don't forget to share, share, share...and DONATE! Would love to get the roof on soon.

Love & light,
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - update 4#


A few pics to show what we've already been doing in just the last 5 months.

The gable end...needs attaching to the roof now

Managed tomatoes, carrots, radish, salad, courgettes, potatoes...not bad for a small space

Here were salad, carrots, beetroot, basil, corriander, parsley, gherkins and now many, many cape gooseberries are getting ready to be harvested!
There's not a single day passes when we don't do something productive...It's starting to get cold now though and it would be great if we could raise enough funds to finish off the roof so it actually meets the new gable end...covered in a huge plastic sheet now, but with the high winds we seem to be having a lot of there have been a few sharp intakes of breath I can tell you, wondering if it's going to fly off.

In fact since I posted this update just 17 days ago a small hole has already appeared in the cover on the top corner...grrr.

It's not just the house and garden that gets a make-over either. When there's enough extra cash available I splurge on the odd tin of paint...

Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Satprem's work all snuggly stored in a nice clean and light cubbyhole - even a small space for 'Mermie's' creations ;)

What looked at first sight llike it needed burning is now a core storage space in the kitchen that has no 'cupboards
 Lots more before and after pics to create, it's just balancing the time between needs and fancies.

Don't forget to share our journey and dream of creating an EMF Free Retreat (it's already EMF Free..just not much of a retreat unless you've got a tent or a caravan - in which case you could still contact us if you really need to get away from the waves and ground yourself...Ps. no alcohol allowed and we're vegetarian too, lol).

Love & light until the next update.
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - update 3#

Sometimes I just need to be creative, this was one of those days :D


A day indoors today for me...and a bit of creativity. I made the house sign out of a piece of old wood. Feeling very grateful!

Starting with the bare basics...old wood, paint, pencil, sandpaper and the design sketch

Starting to take shape...had fun with my fingers for the background colour

A new sign is born...taking front and centre stage are the latest pumpkins from the garden
 The 'hand-writing' of 'gratitude' was inspired by the handwriting of the Mother, mine's nowhere near that neat. Mental note to practice writing better, lol.

Until the next update don't forget to share and donate if you haven't already done so...just 1 Euro = 1 brick!

Love & light
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - Update 2#

20 days ago we received our first donation from a complete stranger!...

I posted:

Our first donation...thank you sooooo much! It came just in time as we ran out of cement yesterday :)
What we started with...
The barn renovations are coming along nicely and hopefully we'll be able to get some chickens installed within a month! I miss eggs a lot - only once in a blue moon have I caved in and bought so called 'free range'...though I know they're far from free or out on the range.

Actually it's only possible to post 3 pics on Gofundme so I'm happy to add some more here...

Tyres to absorb heat...

The chickens are gonna have a stronger front door than us...
The reclaimed tyres are coming to us for free from local garages who normally have to pay to get them our investment in the big white van was worth every euro. Plus, we have some very generous neighbours who've let us take away their unwanted materials, or sold us some second hand stuff like tools really cheap. We had only a small hammer and a screwdriver when we arrived, lol.

Home-made scaffolding
Despite constant cries from JC (hubby) that he 'needed' some scaffolding he managed very well without once he saw how much it cost - almost 1,000 for a decent and sturdy set! Bricks on the other hand are multi-functional, strong and resistant and 1 Euro each...

Polly le Poulet

We did get an early visitor from across the lane. Polly le Poulet (Polly the chicken), an ex-battery hen, decided to come and test out my succulent salad leaves. Since her first visit she comes every couple of days for an inspection and sometimes brings a friend or two...needless to say I planted more salad because we have been privvy to the odd delivery of their super fresh and tasty eggs from GG the neighbour. This is what we call the social aspect in permaculture ;)

Don't forget to spread the word and the funding site link:

Love & light
Louise (aka Mermie)

Project Gratitude - Update 1#

Just 3 months after the project page pic and you can already see the difference a bit of hardwork, some recycled materials and some sand and cement can do...the roof panels on the barn were purchased new. Still need to get real windows for the veranda to replace the plastic sheets.

The gravel areas in front of the house are actually 2ft deep berns to help restock the water table with rainwater runoff after the water collectors are full.

The circular 'green' area is my 'herb' circle, presently planted with black radish, salad, rosemary and some flowers.

Love Louise (aka Mermie) & Jean-Christophe

'Project Gratitude' is born!

After returning to Europe in 2012 after living in India for 7 years I very quickly began to develop EMF sensitivity to the point where I can no longer support being in an environment where there are mobile phones, wifi, dect phones...and the like. As you can imagine it means there aren't many places left other than home. Home in Ile de France, Paris for almost a year was the in-laws 3rd floor apartment 50 metres over which loomed 3 mobile phone masts. There were 2 'smart water meters' in the toilet...and that was just our apartment. The minimum RF(microwave frequency) measurement, all day long, was 0.25vm2 (Bioinitiative safe level being 0.02vm2!) Needless to say I was tired all the time and didn't go out much.

Hubby is also a sufferer and his lymph nodes had swelled to a worrying size and neither of us are able to work outside home because most places (offices, trains, planes and even the local doctors surgery) now have wifi and nearly everyone has a smartphone/tablet...all of which causes me to get an instant headache, nausea and worst of all heart palpitations which can be very frightening. It takes a day to recover from a short supermarket trip. It's a debilitating and very real malady, and it causes us to be severly disconnected from the world.

So, we finally managed, by the grace of the divine, to find an old farmhouse in the remote Auvergne countryside, 4km from the nearest mobile tower and with a calm 0.01vm2 reading. However, using all our funds to purchase we have run out of resources to repair and to build our dream - which is to create a self-sustaining, profit generating homestead where other EMF sufferers can take long or short term refuge away from the waves (nearly all hotels now have wifi too!).

Here's the deal....There's just the two of us; we survive on around 500 Euros a month (from the state, which doesn't pay me because I'm not French) - which is ok and we're very grateful; I've managed to grow enough food to sustain us in the 5 months since we came and am studying permaculture and medicinal/wild plants; and we've repaired as much as we could before our budget ran out. We're recycling all the materials possible and have found free sources for certain things like wood and tyres for future building.  We're not lazy and I try to get freelance editing/VO work but it's slim pickings I can tell you.
Project Gratitude is a project being built on thanks and with love and sincerity.

We desperately need funds to:
- fix the roof - 15,000 Euros
- get the bathroom plumbed and a shower installed (presently taking bucket baths and flushing toilet with waste kitchen water) - 3,000 Euros
- create an income generating food forest and aquaponics system (a la permaculture) - 2,000 Euros
And then, if we are blessed to do so and because we are so thankful that we have a safe environment, we would love to be able to offer others a microwave free place to stay which would consist of four double occupancy solar powered cabins with individual shower/toilet - approx 20,000 Euros.

As it seems that crowdfunding is the way to go to raise cash for viable projects I searched around and found '' which seems less comercialised than the likes of who seem to send marketing only for the techie projects, nearly all of which are based around 'wireless' (read 'wifi and microwave emitting') techology. And so 'Project Gratitude' is born! There are a few updates I posted there which I'll continue to repost here for now until we set up a separate blog - not having time to sit at the PC much (nor the inclination to be honest).

Check it out and please, please, please donate and share the link...if you can spare the price of a cup of coffee or lunch we'll use the cash for cement and roof tiles :D

Every euro, every cent, every blessing is received with gratitude!


Love & Light
Louise (aka Mermie)