Sunday, 30 November 2014

Project Gratitude Updates 10. 11 & 12

I decide to lump the updates together seeing as they were relatively small. Lots of other things to write about at the moment, just not got the time for it all. It's very difficult to balance life with the things you love, especially when life is filled with so many things you love...feeling blessed that I have so many wonderful and enriching things to do :)

So what's been going on chez nous the last week or so?...Let's have look

Well to start off I had a little emergency situation! After not feeling well on and off for a few months (migraines, arythmia, moodiness and general weakness and fatigue which I put down to possible hormonal changes) I discovered the laptop is emitting EMF of 0.3 vm2 right in the centre of the keyboard, and that's with everything deactivated -wifi/bluetooth/mains power. This is a real problem because I recently managed to get some work and need to use a safe computer. This means that the priority for funds (in order to be able to create funds) is to buy a new PC. That's about 300 Euros for a basic wifi-free desktop. Fortunately a gentle soul took pity on my plea for help and donated 500 Euros, thank you Roger Hard!

JC and Denis spent the week dismantling an old barn in a neighbouring village. The aged owners said if we dismantle we can have all the materials...that means wooden beams and lots of stones (plus some free firewood) - restore, reuse, recycle and repair!

There was an exceptionally warm day the other day, before it plummeted again, and the council had been trimming the hedges, so a great windfall for me! The hawthorn berries I couldn't reach before, even with the end of the rake, were all around so I went collecting branches.

A perfect spot in the sun

Berry, berry nice!

As well as a huge bowl of hawthorn berrries for jam and a super rice sauce, there's lots of kindling. Got a few jabs though while stripping the branches and breaking them up for firewood, lol.

Feeling very blessed to be living in the countryside where neighbours leave fresh eggs on your gate post and where there is more of a sense of community than in the city...even though there are very few people around.

After the short spell of sunshine came rain, and lots of it, which is great because it's given us a chance to see where all the water flows, and it does...flow.

All the swales that JC and Denis dug last week around the new raised beds filled up nicely and so did a few places we weren't expecting, lol. You fix one place and then have to fix another - we like to call it the constructivism approach.
Anyway, it was a good time to get more planning done and rearrange the tool shed.

The guys have really done an excellent job with the shelves, all built out of the recycled wood from the old barn they demolished...hoping that these new carpentry skills will be put to use in the kitchen soon as the camping table isn't the sturdiest of worktops and I have no drawers! Come to think of it I don't have a real worktop either...maybe this isn't the kitchen, lol.

Keep the well wishes coming and donations too. They all get put to good use - one for motivation and the other for really necessary stuff.

Love & light
Louise (aka Mermie)

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