Friday 5 April 2024

The Consciousness of plants - do they feel pain?

Well of course they do! Anyone who is working on 'consciousness' will or should understand that plants have consciousness, they are 'aware'. They may not have a physical brain, but they do have a collective connection which has been proven by many scientists and spoken of by many spiritually advanced beings.

This is why in my daily practice, and when growing, planting and harvesting I ALWAYS ask first...and I ALWAYS say thank you, even for flowers!

However as a vegetarian it does leave a quandry somehow...if I don't eat animal products because of the suffering, and yet I know that plants too suffer...what to eat? From what I understand in certain religions who practice veganism and who don't eat root vegetables, there is also the practice of not eating anything which has not fallen from the plant/tree.

This certainly makes me think even more about working to get sustenance from prana and sunlight (breatharianism and sungazing). Is it really possible? We are energetic beings after all and yet we are also made of matter which needs something other than electricity to power it and regenerate cells and organs, etc.. But that requires dedication and discipline...and I'm still quite a way from that.

OM 🥰 




Friday 29 March 2024

8 Signs Its A Trauma Bond, Not Love

I'm sharing this wonderful video because I resonate with it very well. What's very important to understand here is that the abuser will often play the victim...that is everything they tell others, especially your joint friends and family (or you) is actually what they themselves are doing or how they themselves are behaving! This is as much prevalent in the workplace as in personal relationships and in essence is no more than the adult version of the playground bully.

Everything they rage at you, and they do rage...a lot and for a long time (one and a half hours is not unusual, even after you walk away) them telling you who they are. Every fault you have thrown at you, every fictitious problem they accuse you of having (affairs, lies, etc), every lecture on what you should and shouldn't do, how you should and should not behave, all those things you never do or always all them - you are a mirror for them, they do not see you when they do this, they are talking to themselves. Many work themselves up to such a state that they become physically violent too.

And as they don't really feel anything but anger, jealousy and resentment - especially not empathy nor compassion - then, when you finally wake up and arm yourself with the tools to help make life with them a little more bearable; when you start the 'observe don't absorb' practice and stop reacting to their truly see them for what they are as they practice the most violent form of communication...that of very 'painful' silence. This is a silence filled with devil-like side glances, purposeful ignorance, and things like refusing to eat food you prepare and instead preparing food only for them and washing only their dishes. You no longer exist and they pretend to be deaf even if you ask a question directly and in close proximity...and if they do answer they will not 'answer' but instead reply in monosyllables to extract the reaction of exasperation from you they desire so they can launch into another tirade.

As compassionate human beings we must also remember that their demeanor comes from a place of pain and suffering, usually from a sense of abandonment, mostly always child-hood trauma/mother issues. However, that does not justify their behaviour, the voracity and cruelty of their words and actions; nor does it justify passively accepting their manipulations and passing it off as 'oh, that's just how they are'. They impregnate their trauma on to you to the point where you begin to question yourself, feel guilty etc...and if you are co-dependent, insecure or yourself a victim of abuse, they will have very well identified this right at the beginning...and that is what hurts the most when you realise how naive you were.

Never ever feel ashamed to talk to someone about these kinds of is sadly more common than you think. Be courageous and walk away...go no-contact as much as is humanly possible in your given situation...and most of all work hard to heal all which is in YOU which caused you to arrive in this situation (I suggest Louise Hay's 'You can heal your life' audio book), heal the addition trauma caused by being in this situation, surround yourself with loving, kind, considerate, compassionate human beings or even animals if you prefer. Talk to a professional psychologist who is conversant with Narcissistic Personality Disorders. Reclaim your 'self', rebuild your confidence, learn how to love yourself for the amazing human being you are...and know that you are loved by the universe. Make a conscious decision to be the best version of you that you can be...independent, happy and no longer a victim of emotional/physical abuse.

#Consciouswayofliving #villesoulei #mentalwellness #emotionalabuse

Monday 4 November 2019

Addiction isn't just about cigarettes, drugs and alcohol...could you go one week without this?

It's not just about how bad the EMF radiation is from wireless's about how it's manipulating your thoughts, your desires, your fact your whole way of being.

Suppression of consciousness isn't just about suppressing the spirit and it's connection to the Divine, it's about suppressing free will...the ability to think for oneself, to act according to that beacon of goodness within, to do anything that is not within the confines of what is 'socially acceptable'.

Addiction has always been seen as something only weak people submit to...but this is the new and conceivably worst addiction.

Try a few hours, a day, a week without your phone, without your wifi and see if you're addicted. You'll be surprised at the result!

Monday 30 September 2019

Is 5G already around you?

So I had my first experience of 5G as an EHS Manchester UK.

I only just confirmed it online but while I was there I just knew. In the taxi on the way from MCR airport I turned on my smog meter and as we flew up the M60 towards Whitefield it was spiking intermittently to 12.0 home in my sanctuary in France it's 0.01!

12 is roughly what a dect phone gives out and I can't be in a room with one of those without an immediate sense of anxiety and palpitations and a tightening in my forehead. It's taken me almost a month to get back to the wonderful state of peace and energy I'd been working on before I left with the help of Reiki, yoga and Qi-Gonj and I was extremely sick for two days when I came home and managed to rebalance my energy. Certainly some of the sickness was related to the rebalance.

If you're in the UK check this site to find out of 5g is around you:

Thursday 5 September 2019

Maximise your 'LIFE' experience

Are you lowering your ability to experience 'LIFE'? This man is incredible..such clarity of thought and such a wonderful simplistic way of explaining his knowledge for the layman to understand!

Wednesday 4 September 2019

International Appeal - Stop 5G on Earth and from space!

I appreciate that most people are addicted to the convenience of today's technology. I agree that the net and email have increased our ability to connect and learn in a way not possible before. It doesn't need to be discarded, just used wisely - and there's nothing smart about 5G nor all things wireless especially in terms of the health, well-being and consciousness of ALL life on the planet. It's time to put on the brakes before we crash!

Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, plans to launch 12,000 satellites to supply 5G globally from space. The first 60 satellites were launched on May 23, 2019 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The second set of 60 satellites are scheduled to be launched on November 17; the third set of 60 satellites on December 4. As soon as 420 satellites are launched, SpaceX plans to begin providing global 5G service to a limited number of customers. This must not happen. The activation of 5G satellites in space threatens catastrophic effects, as early as this coming spring — not from the direct radiation, but from the alteration of the Earth’s electromagnetic environment, upon which everyone depends for their life and health. Details are in this article: Planetary Emergency.


Sunday 1 September 2019

UK EMFs exponentially increasing...yet under the radar!

So, I just returned from my annual visit to the UK to celebrate Gran’s 96th birthday, bless her. Travelling with EHS is NOT fun at the best of times and I’m wondering how much longer I can continue to visit family. There’s now wifi on all trains from Clermont-Ferrand to Paris, wifi in all cafes, wifi in the airport and almost everyone has a smart phone streaming senseless facebook/twitter/instagram posts, emails and constant texts...oh, and those that MUST video call. For those not addicted or attached to the technology it’s becoming more and more like walking in zombie land.

Having recently begun concentrating on energy work (Reiki) and Hatha Yoga I did find that this helped enormously to keep myself somewhat ‘grounded’ and I must admit I didn’t feel quite so ill because of it...BUT, being submerged in the toxic radiation and such a heavy mental atmosphere did make it harder to get into the zone.

What disturbed me the most was something I discovered in the taxi I took from the airport to Gran’s. I decided to turn on my cornet electro-smog meter just to check what was what along the route...and the findings were astounding! Usually, since the introduction of 4G, the readings along a motorway and in towns/cities range from 0.2500 vm2 to 1.4 vm2 (ish). Bear in mind that at home in my little sanctuary in the French countryside 6km away from the nearest cell tower and with no immediate neighbours is 0.0147 (that’s baseline low for my meter apparently and is almost zero). Well, I was shocked to see my meter spiking at 10.0 and even up to 12.0 vm2 at regular intervals en route from Manchester airport and even through Whitefield town centre! I felt like I was being zapped by a machine gun! I’m pretty sure no-one is aware of this unless they regularly measure as I do and of course you can’t see this radiation. From experience this kind of measurement is what emits from a cordless (DECT) phone, something I can’t be near for even a minute without starting to feel stress in my head and chest.

I don’t know exactly what was causing this noxious toxic soup but I suspect it’s all the fancy equipment monitoring the evolving ‘SMART’ motorways and connecting with the integrated tech in the newer vehicles. Not very smart if you ask me! I’ll stick with my ancient Renault Super 5 with no electronics for as long as she deems me worthy of her carriage. I don’t know what will happen after that because I can’t even stand to be in the new vehicles for long due to the radiant dirty electricity emanating from all the fancy electronics installed for lazy driving (GPS, reversing camera etc.)

Ending on a positive note, Gran is absolutely fabulous at 96 and though her body could do with an overhaul her brain certainly does not! A tribute to a life begun when there was no electricity in the house and when a letter or a public phone box was the only means of communication...and she’s never so much as touched a mobile phone or a laptop!

Stay safe and be aware...much love and light
Louise (aka Mermie)