Friday, 5 April 2024

The Consciousness of plants - do they feel pain?

Well of course they do! Anyone who is working on 'consciousness' will or should understand that plants have consciousness, they are 'aware'. They may not have a physical brain, but they do have a collective connection which has been proven by many scientists and spoken of by many spiritually advanced beings.

This is why in my daily practice, and when growing, planting and harvesting I ALWAYS ask first...and I ALWAYS say thank you, even for flowers!

However as a vegetarian it does leave a quandry somehow...if I don't eat animal products because of the suffering, and yet I know that plants too suffer...what to eat? From what I understand in certain religions who practice veganism and who don't eat root vegetables, there is also the practice of not eating anything which has not fallen from the plant/tree.

This certainly makes me think even more about working to get sustenance from prana and sunlight (breatharianism and sungazing). Is it really possible? We are energetic beings after all and yet we are also made of matter which needs something other than electricity to power it and regenerate cells and organs, etc.. But that requires dedication and discipline...and I'm still quite a way from that.

OM 🥰 




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