Friday, 29 March 2024

8 Signs Its A Trauma Bond, Not Love

I'm sharing this wonderful video because I resonate with it very well. What's very important to understand here is that the abuser will often play the victim...that is everything they tell others, especially your joint friends and family (or you) is actually what they themselves are doing or how they themselves are behaving! This is as much prevalent in the workplace as in personal relationships and in essence is no more than the adult version of the playground bully.

Everything they rage at you, and they do rage...a lot and for a long time (one and a half hours is not unusual, even after you walk away) them telling you who they are. Every fault you have thrown at you, every fictitious problem they accuse you of having (affairs, lies, etc), every lecture on what you should and shouldn't do, how you should and should not behave, all those things you never do or always all them - you are a mirror for them, they do not see you when they do this, they are talking to themselves. Many work themselves up to such a state that they become physically violent too.

And as they don't really feel anything but anger, jealousy and resentment - especially not empathy nor compassion - then, when you finally wake up and arm yourself with the tools to help make life with them a little more bearable; when you start the 'observe don't absorb' practice and stop reacting to their truly see them for what they are as they practice the most violent form of communication...that of very 'painful' silence. This is a silence filled with devil-like side glances, purposeful ignorance, and things like refusing to eat food you prepare and instead preparing food only for them and washing only their dishes. You no longer exist and they pretend to be deaf even if you ask a question directly and in close proximity...and if they do answer they will not 'answer' but instead reply in monosyllables to extract the reaction of exasperation from you they desire so they can launch into another tirade.

As compassionate human beings we must also remember that their demeanor comes from a place of pain and suffering, usually from a sense of abandonment, mostly always child-hood trauma/mother issues. However, that does not justify their behaviour, the voracity and cruelty of their words and actions; nor does it justify passively accepting their manipulations and passing it off as 'oh, that's just how they are'. They impregnate their trauma on to you to the point where you begin to question yourself, feel guilty etc...and if you are co-dependent, insecure or yourself a victim of abuse, they will have very well identified this right at the beginning...and that is what hurts the most when you realise how naive you were.

Never ever feel ashamed to talk to someone about these kinds of is sadly more common than you think. Be courageous and walk away...go no-contact as much as is humanly possible in your given situation...and most of all work hard to heal all which is in YOU which caused you to arrive in this situation (I suggest Louise Hay's 'You can heal your life' audio book), heal the addition trauma caused by being in this situation, surround yourself with loving, kind, considerate, compassionate human beings or even animals if you prefer. Talk to a professional psychologist who is conversant with Narcissistic Personality Disorders. Reclaim your 'self', rebuild your confidence, learn how to love yourself for the amazing human being you are...and know that you are loved by the universe. Make a conscious decision to be the best version of you that you can be...independent, happy and no longer a victim of emotional/physical abuse.

#Consciouswayofliving #villesoulei #mentalwellness #emotionalabuse

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